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The Western Region Captive Insurance Conference (WRCIC) hosts captive owners, service providers, industry experts and regulators for an Annual professional development and industry networking event.


Entering into its eleventh year, the conference will be expanded, new educational content will be offered including an enhanced Captive 101 boot camp, more networking opportunities, and more sessions in advanced topics that will feature top industry leaders speaking on hot topics, trends and the next level in Captive Insurance.


The regional conference attracts delegates and owners offering direct access to the region’s regulators, top providers in the industry and key educational sessions to prepare to move the industry forward, while developing new strategies and trends together.


Last year the popular conference was cancelled just as nearly 100% of the 2020 captive industry conference offerings cancelled due to COVID. The WRCIC organizers will monitor and assess the safety of an in-person event being possible and keep all registered attendees updated as summer 2021 approaches.


The event will provide the industry with safe networking opportunities, including the annual WRCIC Golf Outing and the very popular Tuesday night special activity where the industry celebrates successes and the future.


Continuing Education Credits will be offered on many sessions and provided by The International Center for Captive Insurance Education (ICCIE) and Taylor-Chandler, LLC.

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We are very eager to host the 2021 WRCIC conference in Utah in June if it is safe to do so. The WRCIC continues to serve the entire Western United States, working together to enhance collaboration, cooperation and best practices.

Brandy Alderson, UCIA President and WRCIC Conference Chair

Western Region Captive Insurance Conference

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